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jarrajules | 03:59 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I need any ideas you lot have for bringin on labour old wifes stuff and that id be greatful ty . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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mount what the hell are u taking ???
ease off the lsd , crack and all that talk sense man

carry on like this there wikll be no white wedding , just u getting buried under the patio if u keep this up sunny jim
Ah - now I get where big Bert hides stuff. nothing like taking work home with you.
lol me and bert have an arrangment - i will let u in on it but not on here

or my warrant for my arrest will be hurried and i will be shackled to big burly policeman phwoorrrrr
Yes, got to keep everything "uniform". Swoon.
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Shes still not here yet and im sick of not sleepin :(
hang in ther it maybe the day whooopeee talk to u lata on gt a banging head need a new one ehhhhhhhh ouch xx

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