My bank have taken �2 interest off me in The AnswerBank: Personal Finance
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My bank have taken �2 interest off me

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purple_kathr | 13:44 Sun 25th Nov 2007 | Personal Finance
4 Answers
and I was wondering if there is a legitimate reason for this (before I phone them on Monday).

On the same day they also credited me with 7p interest.

Are they penalising me even further for going over my over draft last month? (�19 for using my over draft and �19 for going over my over draft). Is that even legal?
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Yes it will be interest on your overdraft and/or the amount you were over the limit.

Yes it is legal, interest is always paid on overdrafts unless you are a student or something with an interest free overdraft, in which case the interest charge will be for the time you were over over your limit.
�1.50 would have been fair but �2.00- that's taking the mickey. Have you consulted a lawyer. For �300 an hour he could pursue the matter for you and help you recover the shortfall provided you're prepared to battle it out for a year or so.
Regrettably this is a 'grey area'. The Bank will say that you agreed to their terms and conditions when you opened the account. Somewhere in the small print will be a term authorising this charge.The contrary argument is, in essence, that this amounts to an unfair contract term.

As in most areas of civil law, pursuing the claim may cost more in time and money than the claim is worth.There are firms online that claim to help but they are really only interested when the charges are sizeable (and they claim 25 per cent of the sum recovered, too!)

The best track is to try to find a bank that won't do this or to sell your bank the idea that it is not in their best interests to annoy you by such pettiness e.g if you are a student whose future career may bring the bank big business (They'd be daft to irritate a future solicitor , considering all the funds that solicitors have control of !). Almost needless to say this, but you'll get a result if you are like a friend of mine who was charged �30 for exceeding his personal �20K limit by �18. He told the bank that he was minded to pull all the business accounts there that he was in control of. They instantly remitted the �30 !
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I phoned the bank about it

apparently my cc is supposed to come out on the 30th. I pointed out that in the past year it's never come out on the 30th it's always been after but apparently thats to do with my particular branch.

Thanks for people's answers though. Apart from factor30. You see how you like your bank stealing �2 off you!

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My bank have taken �2 interest off me

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