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who do you trust

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bobtheturkey | 19:15 Mon 03rd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
how many people? just 3 for me


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On here? Or in real life?

If its real life, i'd say only Mr Boo apart from myself of course!
hi bob,
well i trust 2 people on here totally, im sure they know who they are but i dont mind and im sure they wont mind me telling , they are raysparx and hellibobs.

in life outside ab i trust my mum, my brother and my sister in law, there isnt a thing i dont or wouldnt tell them . :-)

i would never trust a man with hair like yours!!!! ;-) X
I just want to wave at unruly & BOO.

Hiya girlies :o)
hello pipster, good to see ya lovely! mwah X
George W Bush

The Queen

Gordon Brown.

Excuse me writing this in crayon but we aren't allowed anything sharp in here.
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Ooooo ello pippa, how the devil are you today?
trust no all...........especially Legend.....Knobby...Dot...and ......well pick your own four others.... :-)

Ohh......and Bob
Question Author
i wouldnt trust me either
not surprised Bob
Yaaaa fame at last....
Some of my so called friends, well I would not trust them.
I am sure one of them is after Mr Funny!
I guess I met about 2000 people in my life, I think I trust........about 3 of them? I think I trust my Dad most, he's human like the rest of us but his backbone is made of stainless steel and he would probably die for a principle.

LOTS of good friends would gladly spit on you and walk over you if the scenario was right.

I trust someone I know from this site.

So that's just 3/2000!

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