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size doesnt matter ladies ??

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legend758duo | 01:57 Thu 06th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
but at the end of the day. big or small or medium do you have a preference?

personally i prefer a medium sized bag of popcorn at the cinema myself .


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Any woman who says size dosent matter is full of ****!!
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you saying they like to munch a big bo of popcorn ??
don"t like to big...... cant get seconds then!!!
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with a gob like yours ??
youre kidding eh ??
Put it this way,if a bloke has to think the popcorn aint big enough allready,then there are some serious self confidence and self esteem issues to be addressed..Basically if a woman looks at your meat laughs and says 'who do you expect to please with that' just say 'ME'.......women talk about dicks all the time,can you imagine a womens get together,you reckon one is gonna say..'well stevie only has 2 inches,but he's nice,got money,nice personality,we have so much in common...oh yeah by the way,you wanna borrow my rampant rabbit' LOL..come on legend,with a name like legend...self belief,confidence..PS thanks Dad,for the monster in my pants..i love ya xxxxxxxxxx
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welll im certain i can outmatch a rabbit

so no worries there

no wee willie winkies here lol
must be shriveled up a bit in bonnie scotland though babe lol
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like a caber doll

I know I am a bit late to answer this but I want to put my two penneth in!

It's all about width y'know!

There's nothing worse than a long thin one lol


Hope this helps!

BB xx
I always heard that it wasn't the size of the vessle but the motion in the ocean. I also believe that it's an empty vessle that makes the most noise Legend!

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size doesnt matter ladies ??

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