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I;m going too

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4getmenot | 18:07 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Wont be seeing much of me anymore either, maybe a little at lunch.


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I'll not be posting very much after the 11th of January coz I'll be starting a new job. Evenings, weekends and early mornings from then on for me I'm afraid! I'm sure you'll be missed but not 4gotten!!! xx
Where's everyone going? What's going on?!
4get, where you off to? You'll be well missed!
And you too Skreechee!

I'll still be here, just a bit less everpresent. Remember though, the force is in everything....

Don't know where 4get's going, probably got a row from her boss for skiving too much.
aww, thats sad 4get and skreech, we need more normal people here and all the good ones are leaving :S
normal, 4getmenot??????????????????????? did you see the hairbrush stuff cazzz???????

but yeah, i agree, be sad to see less of you both ! :-(
the hairbrush was a classic ;D
maybe cazzz but is normal the correct word?????
-- answer removed --
and the point is ???
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legend I;m sure your posts have much more serious points. Yer right. Thanks all others xx

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I;m going too

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