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Slap or Tickle

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Drisgirl | 23:08 Thu 06th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Well cmon spill -what do you prefer?

I prefer a bit of slap myself -harder the better -lol


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cant cope with any sort of tickle, I am more naturally a slapper :D very fitting !
are they on cbeebies?
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PMSL-not to my carnal knowledge bob
If a woman does not accept and thoroughly enjoy a sound spanking, then I am afraid she will be no woman of mine.
I dont mind my fancy being tickled occassionly.
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Im yours -time and place luvver boy.
a while ago when i had these maribu feather cuffs that i bought at an ann sumers party i was asked this question.
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Cmon Dot what was the answer -lol
oh I can't remember, old age gets you that way :(
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Ken the feeling -just wanted my juices to run for a wee while -lol

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Slap or Tickle

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