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Back handed invitation.

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puss_boots | 22:46 Thu 06th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I started a new part time job 3 weeks ago, the boss came to me yesterday and explained that she was taking the other staff out for a Christmas meal on Sat 15th Dec, I was very welcome to join them but seeing as I was a new employee it would be appreciated if I offered to pay for my own meal. I declined the offer, made a suitable excuse but thought she had a bit of a nerve. Has anyone else been in this situation.


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I always think its amazing how when there is a works meal everyone is so nice (and fake) yet during the year they b!tch about the same collegues left right and centre.
its ok i have a hero type turkey ability
Tell them you would love to go, many thanks. would you mind if i bring my own lunch box .
I'd go and blag free drinks off everyone, get into the xmas spirit and all the forced niceties and guilt that will be coming your way, "Poor thing, you've got to pay, really? What are you drinking?"
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Hi Puss, I would have felt and done the same as you did. They have some nerves ... they make themselves out to be cheap buggors. I totally agree with Hollie and Wardy.

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neildownx: ''So it would have been appreciated if you offered
not complusary - not telling you to pay''

They are really... just by the fact it was mentioned.
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Just fruck xmas of for good, people drive their cars like idiots, shop like idiots, act like idiots,drink like idiots, familys fall out, is it all worth it?? NO
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Aww I really appreciate all your input I was not sure how to react to this situation but as I quite like this job I have set my stall out, the hours are great and apart from the owner who is very abrasive the other 'girls' are great. So they can all go on their Christmas night out without me, if I am still there next year well I may give them the pleasure of my company or not which ever. I'm off now, thanks all. pussX

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