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SKA | 14:44 Fri 07th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I only come on here while I'm at work so are most of you guys at work?
I'm lucky I have my own office so I can do pretty much whatever I want in here � I got a white bored too and I love drawing on it and I found some chalk in one of the drawers so I was writing on one of the filing cabinets � hehe


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I'm off work at the moment. If I was at work I wouldn't have time to come on to AB. If I did I'd probably get my marching orders.

A couple of years ago some guys where I work were sacked for downloading porn at work. Everybody is too scared to surf the net now.
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serves him right that he got sacked!!
This is different and its the only webite I like thats not been banned, I cant watch and videos/films online anymore - I'm so sad
Hey Ska,

I'm at work at the mo - currently lunchtime - we have so little to do at the mo if it wasn't for AB not sure what I would do to keep me sane (relatively)

Currently working in an accommodation office (wish I wasn't)

BB xx

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Lunch is over and I am on here.
Girl next to me is buying her chrissy presents on the net.
So boring.
im sat in my home office whilst little CRX plays with his lego bricks etc and makes me 'phones' to talk into.

other times i come on here im in my company office and maybe just miss some of the childishness i get at home :)
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