I see that many affairs going on its beyond belief, I live in a small town one road in one road out. If you fart some one will get to hear about it. The people having the affairs or one nite stands are both married men or women. They do this in there local pub where they take there partners. Is your town like mine ?
hmmm, just because your not married , doesnt make it right... dont they have single girls there or is it the attraction of the women being "off limits" ?
Im not proud of what ive done april im just being honest..
I see it if the female was happy at home she wouldnt stray if she does then she isnt happy.
As i would not cheat and never have done on any of my partners
No i dont
As when i see my town and what goes on it puts me off ever getting married...
Yes i could move but i just thought ever town is like mine or it is and you have not seen it ....
well I live in a big city and Im a farily nosey person, I cant say I have noticed anything other than neighbours who either have drink problems, crippling debts, abusive marriages.. but never rampant affairs
Theres one couple whos wife is seeing 2 other men as well as here hubby..
He knows what she has been doing as she has told him and the hubby drinks with one of them every nite even though she sleeps with him and there still married..
I think i live in a town full of nutters..........
I think all little villages are a microcosm of the world, there are all sorts going on under the stones. It happens everywhere, just gossip about it and enjoy it.