I didn't know what to ask for but apparently a set of Tom Toms would be ideal for me (so my son says) because then i would not get lost, what can he mean? (It's a funny shaped box for tom toms though )
actually ignore me completely I am actually in love for the first time today, with Jon Bon Jovi, again, the first time ever i saw his face i fell in love with him tho he has somewhat avoided me, but he has won me over all over again
I saw Cliff live at the NEC in 1994 ish and he was amazing but don;t divert my attention, oh and did i say, my son;s godmothers' ex husbands nephew is the music producer for CSI nah nah na nah nah
Really really? well, my son's godmother's ex husband is also the sister of her that was in Brideshead Revisited who has lived with Bill Nighy for 20 odd years so narrrrrrrr and, if I ever am in Miami guess who i could go and annoy on a daily basis? blahhhh
Well if Santa isn't real, who was that bloke with the white beard and red frock that showed me what he had in his sack? see, got you there didn't I tut