What is the one food that you wouldn't or couldn't eat. It needs to be something that you've tried but just can't eat.
Mine is goat's cheese. I've tried it a few times but every time it is just as disgusting as before. I think that's about the only thing for me. I'll eat just about everything else.
Ice maiden. I come from a Northern working-class background & that's what they used to eat int' olden days and during the war. My father used to have a very large garden where he grew all his own veg, only to be cooked to death by my mother.(I've seen the veg going on at the same time as the joint of meat). He kept chickens & rabbits, and these were killed & eaten.
Having said all this in my previous posts, I had haggis for tea last night....now what's in that?
Weasand.....a delicacy popular in the North and the Midlands, particularly with older folk. It's a cows oesaphagus. I watched my grandad tuck into a steaming plateful of this stuff and tried a bit (I was 8!). My gran had to give me a suger lump to take the taste away. Yuk
I was in a restaurant in Cyprus just sitting at the table minding my own business when I turned round to talk to someone and came face to face with a sheep skull. I nearly fell off the chair. Having then tried some brain from the said sheep's skull my stomach decided that no more food would pass my lips for the rest of the meal.
I don't know what it is about beetroot but I can't stand it. It tastes like the smell of soil - if that makes any sense.