I have just purchaced a dvd Recorder with hard drive.
After connecting it up and turning it on I have noticed that the picture quality is not as crisp as it was when viewing through the televison. Even so I pressed record so see how the hard drive worked and when I played it back I was shocked to see that the qualtiy was very poor.
I do not have an external televison ariel but I have my cable box and everything is connected through that. (not a problem before) I have been and purchced RGB component cables and this has made no differance.
What can I do to get the picture quality back to normal so I can use this product ?
First of all have you tried to play a pre recorded dvd (one bought from a shop - not one you've made yourself )on the machine?
If so was that poor quality too?
Many DVD recorders have record quality settings so make sure yours isn't set to low quality. Most default to a mode that fits 2 hours on a single DVD, try this setting first let us know how you get on.
BTW what make / model is it ?
In that case the output from the dvd is O.K. Now you need to check the input as this is what you'll be recording.
You could try the following connections to make sure you have everything in the right order.
The input was correct. Once I turned on the machine you would then be viewing the television through it. The quality was not as crisp as viewing through normal box.
I have also contacted Samsung and they can not understand either. They have gone through all connections etc and all is correct. They are now arranging to collect the machine to check it out as they belive there may be a fault. !