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What do you guys all look like?

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o-sexy-one | 19:38 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I see some of you haven't got an avatar picture? Why? Ashamed Lol


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are you the russian??????????
some of us are using old answerbank so ergo not needing an avatar
Hi Sexy one, I'm not ashamed I'm Barry Scott.
Cazzz you still look like Bruce Willis.
nothing wrong with that
like them with skinheads very sexy........
Im on old AB, I not waiting all night to see a page load, alas I miss out on hunky bruce

The correct question is:

What do you all look like ?

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I look like my parents
Hi o-sexy-one(for real???),

I look just like you, except I may be a bit younger, slimmer and prettier....Oh and I happen to be a brunette.

I also have a nicer settee than yours......

Hey, ho, welcome to AB!


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What do you guys all look like?

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