I went to the spare room and checked my copy of Radio Times for September 1946 (every home should have one!) and found some prices as follows (from the ads):
Three Nuns pipe tobacco, 2s7d per ounce
Kiwi shoe polish, 4d and 8d per tin
Toothbrushes (Tek brand), Nylon 1s10d; bristle 2s10d
Table-top mains radio (Murphy model A104) �31.11.1 (this included �5.11.1 purchase tax)
Morphy-Richards door chimes 49/6 or 57/-
Fertiliser, 2/9d for a 7lb bag
Sunlight soap, 3�d a bar
Pepsodent toothpaste, 1/3d and 2/2d a tube
Gumption household cleaner, 1/- and2/- a tin
Ads during and just after WW2 were rather peculiar because many things were in very short supply; during the war for obvious reasons, but after the war nearly all manufactured goods had to go for export to earn valuable foreign exchange.
Sorry if the range of goods is rather peculiar, but it was all I could lay my hands on at short notice! Many ads did not give price of the items.
Another thing which is often now forgotten is that shops could not discount branded goods � they had to sell at the manufacturer's price (it was known as Resale Price Maintenance). This did not end till around 1964. Many goods before that date carried the price on the packet.
Hope this helps.