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I took Dot's advice

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scoobydooby | 11:52 Sat 15th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Just thought I'd let you know that I decided to open a bottle of wine last night and stay in the kitchen. All the guests seemed quite happy with me being there and popped out to the kitchen now and again, to top up their glasses and have a chat. I did get through a whole bottle.......but it did the trick. I think I would have been too stressed all evening if I hadn't.

Got up this morning to find several bodies asleep on my living room floor but I just made them all a cuppa.

It ended up with about 15 teenagers (mostly aged 18, but some 17) and they were very well behaved. I actually enjoyed getting to know some of them a little more (without being intrusive and gatecrashing).

Thanks for all your comments last night.....I was worrying.


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Lol , you survived the night then I'm pleased to hear , was there much clearing up to do? :-) x
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Just lots of empty bottles and every glass I own. They also decided to pull the crackers I had on the tree - so lots of 'cracker bits' lying around. Nothing broken, no spillages, and none of them smoke anyway (even if they did, they'd have to go in the garden). Pleased it's over and so are my neighbours I'm sure............but I did ask permission. Not in too much of a hurry to do it again soon but I'm pleased I let them (if that makes any sense).
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I took Dot's advice

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