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What are you doing for christmas?

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Wix | 15:27 Sat 15th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Were having a family get together like we do every christmas on christmas day and boxing day.

Have you overspend so far? I think i've done pretty well, not as bad as last christmas though.


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Hi Wix,

I still have some stocking fillers to get and usually end up spending more than I intended to, but hey its Christmas!

I am going to my friends house on Christmas day for dinner and a wee party, its always a good laugh. She makes the best homemade soup and then we will be singing (very badly)on the Karaoke!

Hi Wix & Haysi :o)

Quiet family christmas for us as usual. My sister lives in Oz and had their first baby this year so we will be chatting on MSN with them and using the webcams inbetween cooking Christmas dinner.

I'm a cruel mother because we open presents AFTER dinner, this is what we did growing up and the whole Christmas feeling lasts just a bit longer :o)

I do let them open the odd present throughout the morning but the majority get opened in the afternoon and they do get stockings with games etc in them so they do have some silly presents to play with .

My Mum and Step-Dad will come here all day Boxing day as my Step-Dad works Xmas day, so we will open even more presents and just drink all day :o)
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Christmas day we will have a Christmas dinner at home then go to mums later on in the afternoon & catch u with the rest of the family. We haven't over spent, don't believe in going daft! xx
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Knobby - That's great! Health is important! xx
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As i'm a carer will go and get the old chap up and mobile then back home to cook the meal , and will take him a Xmas dinner round and spend some time with him , he used to come to us for the day , but unable to now . So when I have finished for the day will have a drink or 2 !! Not really bought a lot , so still with in the budget .
I'm going to my aunt and uncles Xmas day. Doing the cooking as well.
We will get together on Christmas Day for lunch but will otherwise be quite quiet. I am doing my pet-sitting job over Christmas this year so am very busy Christmas and Boxing days, I don't mind as the family is all grown up now.
I've been very disciplined this year with the spending and have only spent what I have in my bank account so can't really overspend.
Hi, Wix. It's my dad and his girlfriend's turn to host Christmas this year, so me, my brother, sister, niece and nan will all stay over there on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, my mum, her boyfriend and my maternal grandparents will come over for the day, provided my grandma is out of hospital by then. My mum and dad are cooking the dinner between them. It's an unusual situation, but works really well. Then, it's to my mum's for Boxing Day when everyone from the day before, plus my two uncles, auntie and all of their families come, too. I always overpsend at Christmas, but I managed to save up for it this year, so I've done pretty well. I've just finished wrapping all of my prezzies with my little niece going through them all asking, "Is this one for me? Is this one for me?..." I can't wait for her to see what I've bought her. It's more for me, though, actually... :o)
Ah, bum. That was set out in paragraphs, I swear. :o(

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What are you doing for christmas?

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