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PC Guard

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shylock73 | 23:55 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | Technology
11 Answers
I have Virgin Media and somehow have lost PC Guard for when I reboot a window states that `rtl 100 bpl cannot be found, re-installing may solve the problem`. This is followed by a similar window but CLBR. DLL states the same. Can anyone please help a 73 yr old novice in laymans terms please.


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Did you by any chance install and uninstall Spyware doctor? Apparently this had the habit of deleting files which it shouldn't.
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Hello rydash, Thanks for replying so quickly ,. I have just clk`d on `All Progs` and Spyware Doctor and another window states ` The item chm that this shortcut refers to has ben changed or moved, so the shortcut will no longer work properly. Do you want to delete this shortcut? I clicked yes, this was followed by the window ....CLBR.DLL Did I do right? Sorry if I`m a bit of a *^"%$*!!!!
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Rojash, sorry I spelt your name incorrectly, its very unusual
Presumably, you still have the install disk or file for Spyware Doctor, so the first step is to re-install it and check that all is working. If it is, great!

If after that you wish to uninstall Spyware Doctor, you need to takes some steps to protect yourself from its cr@ppy uninstaller, so post back here before doing so!
ps - I don't think my name is as unusual as shylock73 :-)
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Hi again rojash (there I got it right) I call myself Shylock as I like to get my `pound of flesh` and I`m 73 and some call me "A tight fisted old ***. I`ll try to install Spyware if I can find how I installed it in the first place
If you can't find it, you can download it from here:

(I call myself rojash, cos that's m'name: Roj Ash)
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Hello rojash, it`s me again. Thanks for sending me the download which unfortunately has not helped as I still get the two windows as before. I believe PC Guard is still hiding in the background as when I have tried to download it again a statement tells me I already have it , so why does`nt it come up on the desktop? So I can check whats working to protect my PC!!!
Sorry, I running out of ideas here, but have a look at this page, and scroll down to the seventh post: new-virgin-pcguard-problems.html
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Hi rojash, Thanks very much for all your patience with my problem. I shall download the new webb- sight. Thanks again.
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Hey rojash.......It worked yipeeeeeeee thankyou, you`re a Diamond Geezer

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