Hey guys, who do you think should get the role of Jack Reacher in the Movie adaption of Lee Childs book "One Shot" to be released in 2008? There is talk of Hugh Jackman getting it or it has been said Daniel Craig would of been a contender before he took on the Bond role. So who do you reckon?
You have to remember that one of his lady-friends described Reacher as "looking like a six-and-a-half foot condom stuffed with walnuts"...or words close to that in effect. I've never even heard of Jason Statham, but I don't believe the description applies to Cage. In earlier times, one would have had to opt for Arnie!
(Yes, I know...actors don't have to fit a writer's description of a character. Just having a smile.)
I suppose the description of him would only have to apply to anything described of him in One shot the book. the walnut description is from Tripwire. Hopefully they wont use the context of all the books to pick the actor, as due to Reacher speaking french like his mother in the likes of the Enemy, and being that big that we could end up with Jean Claude Van Damm, and that really would be a joke
Dennis Quaid or Liam Neeson..if Steve McQueen were still with us I would go for him and Clint Eastwood is too old now !
I cannot wait for the film ..I wish they would hurry up and make a decision ! Mind you Kevin Costner might not be toooo bad but he would have to have a really good crew cut !
Whoever gets it has to be really tall ,really rangy with that sort of hard bitten, weathered crows feet round the eyes look !