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I'd like to clear up something

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Redbel | 23:40 Sun 16th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Last night Petal Flower said she was leaving..she didn't say why, or what it was about. Also she had said that before it ALL kicked off. Thought I would just clear that up.

Thank You.


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Hi Red. I think she made it pretty clear actually. She was feeling sensitive anyway, bless her, and then 311 just put the icing on the cake. Perhaps he didn't mean to, but Petal said she always felt left out, etc. I'm going to try & contact her - x
Can you read this??? Don't seem able to be post ,many replies at the moment!! x
Thanks for that Redbel. I knew the timeline but glad you had realised too.
did i miss a punch up ???
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Dot.....I hope Petal comes back because whatever it was, maybe it was something earlier, she should take no notice.
Yes ladies, but Petal was saying hoew she never felt as though she fitted in. Everyone was trying to assure her that she was fine, but then came the remarks - which put the icing on the cake. I've messaged her anyway.
Well yes I imagine she will return, I didn't realise at first that there had been trouble the night before which upset her so much, she was quite offended i believe.
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I didn't read anything from the night before Dot.......It just came out of the blue that Petal said she was leaving.
I would like to clear something up too. the person i was meaning that was bleating all over the site was not Petal at all!
She had a run-in with 311 on Sat night.
She had a run-in with 311
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Dot.....I've emailed Petal.....she's a fed up as me with this site......trouble causers....people can do without this.
I think reading post 11 and then most of the second page on this will clarify everything: on494443-2.html
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Thanks for the link I know why.

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I'd like to clear up something

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