Perhaps we ought to examine some of the basic tenets being discussed here.
I don't believe in any god or gods, so using the terminology in this discussion, that makes me an atheist. That doesn't mean I don't believe in anything, I firmly believe that religion is used as a prop by people that can't accept their mortality and need to feel that their existence continues after this life ends. Why we should believe we have a right to this continued existence when other animals don't escapes me. The fact that humans are (supposedly) intelligent doesn't make them any different to horses, giraffes, mice, gnus, whales or any other animal, the "afterlife" is a carrot (heaven) or a stick (hell) dangled/wielded by a priesthood to perpetuate their control of the masses. There is absolutely no reason to believe that such an afterlife exists.
Having said all that, millions of people do embrace the delusion of an afterlife and why should they not? The delusion in itself harms nobody. It is only when the basics of the belief system are manipulated by men for their own ends that problems occur. The arrogance of a man living in Italy commanding a peasant in Guatemala that he can only have sex to procreate is staggering! On the other hand the idea that a religious leader can condone a form of murder that kills the murderer as well as the innocent victims is equally staggering, particularly so when it is encouraged with the promise of a place in a paradise that has no basis in fact!
The truth of the matter is that men use religion for their own ends. I really don't care if someone is Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Shintoist or atheist. I am however deeply concerned about fundamentalists in any faith or non-faith, whether it be the Christians in the USA or the Muslims in Iran.
So in answer to your question Annavac, probably never...
I'll put my tin hat on and wait for incoming!