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World War1 at sea

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Da Cricket | 19:41 Mon 18th Oct 2004 | History
3 Answers
How is the U.S. entry into World War 1 related to the Lusitania?


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As I recall from my history lessons....The Lusitania (a Cunard liner) was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915 while carrying many American passengers.  The Germans claimed it was fair game since it was owned by a British company.

Since the US didn't declare war on Germany until 1917 it has always seemed to me to be a stretch to say that the sinking of the ship resulted in this declaration.

indeed the sinking of the lusitania was an event that the US used as a pretext to go into war. As well as carrying many passengers, i think it has been proved recently that it was also carrying ammunition to Britain, which is why why it was torpedoed it exploded violently and sunk quickly. The real reason for the US to join in WWI is not known for definate, many factors really, but the sinking of one ship seems to be the most common reason given by the US senate at the time.
Churchill was aware that the Lusitania was being tracked by U-boats, but ordered the Royal Navy to stay away in order to force the US into the was when it was attacked.

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