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Is anyone else not feeling Christmassy in the slightest?

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HJT40 | 15:51 Tue 18th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
or am I the only one?


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It has been an unbelievably bad year, and I certainly would have expected my family and I to be feeling very unchristmas like, but my Grandson is very excited and so looking forward to it, that he is making it alot better than it should be, and so maybe you should look around and count your blessings and get into the spirit.
no me too.
my car has just blown up
my dog has to go to the vets as she has lumps
2 years ago at xmas I lost my mum to cancer.
so absolitely hate this time of year
I am theonyone and do not feel at all Christmassy . Maybe nearer the day !!
I didn't until the 14th had passed. It's a long story. Loving it all now, but only wrapped the presents last night.

I got the tree and decorations ready on the 3rd. It's a boring job so may as well have the bits up for weeks.

Just want some snow now to make snowmen with the neighbours little ones.
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I have been, but I seem to be on a downer today!

I have been here on my own while the rest are out all day of have taken a two hour lunch and question whether I have anything to do or not.

My daughter has broken the hoover.

The dog has unwrapped most of the pressies.

I thought I had finished buying pressies and now I need to buy more and I am panicking about having enough pennies.

But you are right, I should look on the brightside. I will try and be positive.............................
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Amonty and Stone Monkey, I do sympathise.

My Grandad passed on the 7th Dec, my Nan on the 11th and 9 years ago my mum passed on the 9th December.

Lets raise a glass and send love to those who are looking down on us. They would not want us to be miserable.

Yes! I can't wait. I have tons to get done here at work before we finish on Friday, but I can do it. I finished my Christmas shopping and have just found out that I don't have to do my dad's again this year. Yay!

The downside is my grandma still being in hospital, but we'll have another Christmas for her when she gets out.

Merry Christmas, you lot! :o))
My arm on my specs fell off , can't be fixed ,they can't get the same frame to put the lens in to , so having to pay �170 for new ones , so bah , humbug !! Just needed that at Christmas . Also now have tape on them to hold them together . Agree with Dot as we too have had a really bad year . Also my best friend died at Christmas time .
not at all
the onlyone, are you doing a Jack Duckworth impression then ? LOL
In a way Dot ! sellotape not a sticky plaster , so much for designer specs , waste of money .
Not feeling Chritsmassy at all. Been a bad year for us and I have not even got round to writing my cards out yet.
Be glad when it is all over.
I must admit I'm not feeling the festive spirit really but I don't particularly like Christmas anyway. I'm slightly excited because it's my son's first Christmas and that will be lovely, but I've had a crappy year this year so I kind of just want to see the back of it and get on with next year.

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Is anyone else not feeling Christmassy in the slightest?

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