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oohbadknee | 11:53 Tue 26th Oct 2004 | People & Places
6 Answers
Which place in any period of history would you like to visit and why?


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Assuming that one is able to visit an event as an observer like a ghost, without being able to be seen or heard or touched by the local / contemporary people, I would want to visit Dealey Plaza in Dallas on 22nd November 1963.  I firmly believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating JFK, but it would be satisfying to be able to watch it actually happening, and have the smug feeling of certainty of knowing what had happened, rather than relying on ex-post-facto research and witness testimony.  Of course in this scenario one would have the benefit of knowing in advance the best place from which to watch, and exactly when and where to watch, to be able to see it clearly.
Great question and great answer bernardo, i would be at marilyn monroe's house on the night she died to see what really happened and to steal her red diary. Other than that sometime shakespearey or when man landed on the moon - i would be inthe rocket to see if they really did land.

A month or two either side of November 5th 1605, to witness the gunpowder plot unfold and answer the question as to whether it really did happen in the way history suggests, or if it was a hoax cooked up to to discredit the Catholic community.

i would like to visit Britain between 1825 and 1855 to witness the magnificent works of Brunel.  Such an exciting time when the modern world was sculpted.  i would also like to have seen the 1783 Laki fissure eruptions in Iceland.  Spectacular.
I would like to have been as close as safely possible to Krakatoa when it erupted.
Whitechapel at the time of Jack the Ripper. Though of course I'd want to be invisible, but I'd love to nail the identity once and for all. Also agree with bernardo  re: the Kennedy assasssination and becks about Marilyn.

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