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Fairytale of New York

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juliet704 | 15:20 Tue 18th Dec 2007 | Music
6 Answers
So Radio 1 have altered the words of this song for broadcast. Could anyone supply the full lyrics of the new Radio 1 version?


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Didn't think they'd altered them, just deleted the word "faggot" from them?
They haven't have they?!?!

For crying out loud they really do take the p*ss. It is the greatest Christmas song ever written and they're destroying it!
and they've reversed the decision to censor it after they realised what a bunch of numpties they'd been so it should be played bleep free from now on.
Still, the hype might get it to number one.....
this is Gwr fm Bristol christmas song for charity, just thought id share it with you.
someone else did the video.
they have spoof phone calls from Jack Nicholson and spidey man.
the DJ'S are Andy Bush, Paris Troy and Paulina.
No they backed down after complaints. They were going to bleep out certain words which may have offended such as sl(u)t, faggot and ********, but then decided that the lyrically the song does not express them as offensive words.

One DJ commented that if it were the case, then Boney M�s �Marys Boy Child� would be full of bleeps to avoid airing the expression �Jesus Christ�!
Oooh, arse wipe.

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Fairytale of New York

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