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ho bleeding ho!!

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rugeleyboy | 13:48 Fri 21st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
the lads who i work with have just gone to do a �250 delivery and reversed into the customers car!!!

do i really have to smile and everyone today!!!!!!!!!!!


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It could be worse, ruge, you could be me. Someone drove into the side of the courtesy car I'm driving in Tesco's carpark for me to find it when I got back. Good job my dad does car body repairs, though, eh? It would have set me back �400 if I'd had to have paid someone to do it. I hope you're taking it out of their wages... :o)
Hello ruge, No you don't have to smile, sack the silly sods that'll learn em, tell em not to bother coming in anymore and tell em how thick they are.

Happy Christmas ruge!! :-)
Ho Ho Ho!!!!! xxx
Christmas vacation
:-) yeah keep smiling ruge, it could be a lot lot worse!!!!!

i would say just smile at those worthy of it though, not the miserable sods who wont apprecuiate it anyway! :-) :-) :-)
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ho bleeding ho!!

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