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daffidazey | 14:51 Fri 21st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Got a hectic few days coming up so incase I don't get a chance to come on, I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year! Daffi x


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Hi Daffi,

Hope you have a good Xmas and New Year too :) xxx
Have a magical one, daffi! Merry Christmas. :o) x
nollaig chridheil huibh agus bliadhna mhath ur (merry christmas and a happy new year)
ok thanks
daffi, a very Merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year! I hope Murphy enjoys his very special first Christmas in his forever home :) Woofs and kisses from me and Jack xx
Cheers daffy, have a great time, hope to speak soon xx
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leelapops! Big woofs and licks to you and Jack from Murphy! Will email you christmas piccies. Hope you have a good one. x
Hi daffi
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that is nice and relaxing.
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Relaxing is unlikely, but it should be good fun. Hope you have a good one, cruella. x
Have a wonderful Christmas Daffi & I hope that 2008 brings all that you hope it will.

And the same to all on AB :-)

x A x
Hi daffy :)

Thanks, and i wish you a very happy christmas too, and all the best for 2008 xx
Hello daffi sweetie , have a lovely christmas and have a good relaxing rest when you can (hug) :-D xxx Free-Soppy-Christmas-e-Cards-Here.html
Thanks, Daffi, same to you, hon!! K xxx
You have a safe and happy Christmas too Daffy. xx

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