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What does Santa get for Christmas?

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haysi06 | 11:22 Sat 22nd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I wonder LOL

What do you think he gets?



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a sleepless night lol
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Indegestion from all those mince pies
a massive hangover from all the alcohol
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Backache from carrying his heavy sack
-- answer removed --
A sore throat from ho-ho-hoing.
Lazy bu$$er should not get anything he only works one day a year the elves do all the manafacturing.
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A red nose from the frost bite
well he gets to empty his sacks as many times as he wants.
and no headaches from mrs claus .

some folk never get to do that.
hes a lucky guy : -)
as 90% of the xmas gifts received in britain are produced in china.
i think its nasty to call the chinese workers elves.
cant you call them santas helpers ??

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What does Santa get for Christmas?

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