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FAO Leg end

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4GS | 17:13 Thu 27th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Got called away fae the computer and didn't answer yo8ur tartan question on 4get's post this morning, here's the tartan I'll be wearing on hogmanay, it's me old regimental one from my days in the Royal Scots.
PS. It's called 'Hunting Stewart'



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Always remember:
Sticks + stones may hurt my bones (but whips and chains excite me).

I don't give a flying fcuk who ppl think of me, I'll talk to who I like, anyway: Sl�inte (thats Gaelic for cheers for all our English chums)
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Ditto! Tartan is very like the Graham tartan 4gs.
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I rather like it 4GS. Do you wear the traditional undergarments?

i.e. None!
fae should be from. There is no need to perpetuate Scottishness by phonetic spelling, the pronunciation is bad enough. The correct English word is ' from '

Hogmany, oh God, all we need now is Wogan.

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Happy New Year John,
Have a good time.

A guid New Year to ane an' a'!
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leg end, please post again, your answers are becoming too short. Still as dull as ditchwater, but it is disturbing when you are merely briefly dull. Please blossom back into your usual screenfuls of tedium.

You forgot lol too, also a misspelt plastic attack on dot and all your other stalkers.

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FAO Leg end

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