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Please please good people

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topogigo | 19:18 Fri 28th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Don't listen to a word i say, i am very rarely serious, i am most likely to be winding someone up, as is my way.
You see it was 30 min and no new Q.s so i just filled with my diesel leak. forgive me.


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i forgive ya cause youre silly! i like silly sometimes! just dont make a habit of it ! ;-)
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Jules that small act of charity has made my day i was spiralling into a pit of guilt and despair, but your wonderful gesture of forgiveness brought a lump to my throat as i choked on one of those large purple cadburys roses trying to hold back the tears.
I promise i won't let you down again, and if i do i will expect to be spanked after being tied to the bed wearing a rubber mask and studded thong. Probably won't happen though!
well this is one of them times im glad my forgiving side came out! It obviously pays dividends to forgive !

i hope you didnt nick all the purple ones!

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