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roast beef

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mightymouse | 20:24 Thu 27th Dec 2007 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Which is the tastiest roast? Sirloin or Rib? I usually go for rib, especially if on the bone. I don't care for topside or brisket, which I find dry and tasteless, however slowly it is cooked. I like my roast to be pink in the middle. With lovely Yorkshire pud, and gravy enhanced with a little red wine. Oh, and I normally put both halves of an un-peeled onion in the roasting pan, with the joint, which improves the gravy even more.

Any thoughts?


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No, no thoughts, just lots of unladylike drooling, ruddy starving now- thank you very much!
the best cut in my opinion is a fore rib of beef (on the bone) its soooo juicy and tasty. I couldn't agree more with your method sounds fab. Sirloin these days from supermarkets especially just does not cut the mustard. Its dry no fat and little flavour!

Give me a big hunk of fore rib with a nice mustard/dried thyme/salt crust any day.

And using the onions as a trivet is an excellent idea it not only imparts flavour and colour to the gravy but stops the meat from overcooking and cooking unevenly by not placing it on the hot metal.
its the price of rib ......a set of 4 ribs will b at least �50.....

.....i sold sum last week, �6.69 per kg.....was �70

but theres no doubt its tastier tho
As well as onions I put carrots, parsnips and swede under the meat as well. I also throw in a few whole garlic cloves, a sprig of thyme and a sprig of rosemary. The pan gravy from that lot is to die for!
I usually have topside, but ask the butcher for a slab of beef fat ( white meat me Mum used to call it ) which I snip into little bits and put on top of the joint. I roast it slowly and some of the fat renders down and goes into the meat / gravy, and whats left I remove and roast on a very high heat till crispy.
Absolutely delicious with a bit of salt.
Meat tender, and gravy made with contents of roasting tin with water from the boiled veg, thickened.


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