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how many Qs for Dotty ??

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funkymoped | 22:18 Sat 29th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
did Dorothy over do it a little bit today on the Qs ???
i dont think ive ever seen her name on so many threads.
go for it Dot, but remember, Eddie will be after you !!


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I think they have all been at the sherry
She can post if she wants to funkymoped. Hope this helps :)
Dot on speed would still be slower than some.
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Beads, she cant really post that many can she ??
just knowing youre there helps more than you could ever imagine !
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awww funky - you old moped - gawd bless ya :)
you've helped me so much. I am glad I've helped.

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its times like this knobby that i wish i knew french.
instead, i gotta settle with a poor substitute..

"What, 3 in a bed !!!!"
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oy Jasper, i ask a handful of questions and get criticism!!!!!!!!!! you should be here all week, you would have a field day pointing out the excesses of the rest of the clientele, tut
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Dorothy !
im not here to pick on you girl, its good to see you post !
now i feel like ive been told off.
Don't mess with the women funky - don't mess with the girlies :D
consider yourself slapped round the back of the legs Jasper and we'll say no more!!!!!!!!

I should have been called Samantha, then I could have been in the line,
Hello Samantha dear I hope your feeling fine
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you gonna slap me with wet celery Dot ?????
Samanthy Dotty ??? NAAAA.

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how many Qs for Dotty ??

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