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PastaManiac | 01:47 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Pastafreak is in the dungeon.....hello everyone!!!


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I'm a greenie...please be kind to me... :-)
Oh no , you poor thing , pastafreak honey , there will be no choice of bunk in your cell as its a bit crowded down there, and the buckets will be filling up too !
Question Author
I sent you a pm,mamma...I was panicking-lol.......maybe someone will share their bed with me. Buckets.....eeeewwww-think I will try to hold it in.....:-(
Thankyou pastafreak , I will go and see it now love :-) xxx
Thank goodness you managed to get another username honey , well done . Let's hope ED lets you all out when he/she sees how many innocents are in there. xxx
to moz great escape
from alcatraz

another 1 gone
how many more today

the smell is getting worse
hope whiffy
doesnt join yous
im still trying to get
beads and missy out
to no avail
-- answer removed --
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FFS...said I wouldn't!!! Promise!!!......I had been so good til now!
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Monty-guess he's not called whiffey for nothing!! lol
Thanks Montcrieff for your big efforts :)
Legend - I didn't post on beta - SO THERE!! :D
omg pasta, your in too? there will be more dungeonees than members soon!!, did you bring pasta with you?

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