my car drinks too much petrol. i have a 2.0 ltr astra sri mk4. i dont get 35 miles with �20 fuel. is it because i have a single exhaust on. please help.
I believe it's down to your drivin mate
way to much right foot & wheelspin in these weather conditions -or your drag racing it
so about 9mpg then - ouch
take it outta first gear
if you do lots of stop start urban driving like me then hit will hit you hard --my mondeo 2.0 auto does only 15.5 mpg,(at an average speed of only 11mph) in fact my average mpg over 16 YEARS from average 1800cc is only 18.8 mpg.
I had a montego 1.6 which only did 16mpg- was it serviced?- well it did 32mpg on motorway fully laden whilst easily overtaking a 3.0litre shogun at over 100mph