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New Year Texting Blues

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originalang | 20:58 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Hi folks, just wondering anyone else having problems texting on O2. I've been trying to send messages for the last 3 hours, keeps saying ERROR despite having a good signal. Didn't expect problems this early, doesn't bode well for midnight when I come to text my beloved!


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Im on orange so couldnt tell you Im afraid. I always wait until the morning though because its impossible at midnight. Good luck wishing your beloved a happy new year at that time!
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Right, i'm hanging my head in shame and will hide back in the corner. Just realised I've run out of credit! Haven't even had a drink yet! So sorry to have wasted your time folks.
lol I was going to suggest that but then didnt want to sound patronising!
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Wouldnt have taken it as patronising Psychick, just didnt cross my mind, usually I top up before I get so low, forgot all about it. Have a great night!

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