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bobtheturkey | 00:13 Tue 01st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
to katie, helliebobs, that other bloke and cazz for answering my trivia happy new year to you 4 hope you have a good one goodnight


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I will, Im turning into a cannonball at midnight
cazzzz are you stalking me?
no, you just keep finding me
yep thats confused me cazz, happy easter though xxxx
Happy New Year bob, Best Wishes for a really great 2008! Goodnight, Take Care. P.s I'm a likkle lady
tut, it's taken me ten minutes to type the answers, i must have been in the poub earlier when you posted it, you know i always answer them in as much detail as i can be bothered to type , but i don;t expect a special individual post thanking me for all my previous efforts or a consolation post because you pre-empted my lack of response, and i know i wonl;t be disapointed ; (

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