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Australian comedian

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mali | 23:20 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | TV
4 Answers
Can anyone remember an aussie comedian in the 80's who was very camp and silly, had shiny blonde hair/wig and really white teeth and wore shiny or velvet suits I think. He was really funny, or seemed so at the time...does anyone know who I mean...


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Bob Downe

He loved his hair.
Here he is:

It may not surprise you to know that Bob Downe was actually just a character, played by Aussie comic/actor Mark Trevorrow.
just curious mali, what made you ask? It's just that I have been wondering what happened to him for the past week or so and I don't know why he popped into my head!
Has he been mentioned on telly recently?
Can anyone remember an aussie comedian

Good question. ermmm No !

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Australian comedian

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