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England forks out for the rest of the UK.

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Pufflette | 17:21 Mon 17th Dec 2007 | Current Affairs
24 Answers
I read this in a (respectable) newspaper today and have read such statistics before. Northern Ireland has a 70% dependency on public funding, Wales comes in at 64% and Scotland, lower, at 55%. England ranges from 64% (North East) down to 31% in London. I'm not English but I am wondering if English people feel resentment -especially Londoners and those from the South- that their tax money is being used to bumper up economies elsewhere?


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we all contribute for the good of the country, it used to be steel and coal from Wales, shipbuilding from Ireland, oil and shipbuilding from Scotland and industry from england, besides many other thing that we all contributed, working together made us the great nation that we are. Lets not let anyone spoil it with petty nationalism.
SYDENMAL13 : Am I Right In Thinking, Ur A Coffin Dodger.
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ARE U BRITISH ? Full Blooded, Bet Not!!!!!
Stuff the scotts, and lets f*ck there mp's back over the border with the other wino's and druggies that are up there , The scotts have always had a chip on there shoulder ever since bonny prince charlie was turned back in fright in Derby all those years ago ........ get back to your sheep ........I bet they are cold at night .....
hey tufty not as many winos and druggies and rapists that you have in your s h i t e h o le capital!!! your whole country is a s h i t e h o l e in fact with a s h i t e football rugby and cricket team as well!!!! william wallace is king!!!!and was good at chopping some f u c k i n g heeds aff tae!!!!sooner we go independent the better ya smelly fa g o tt

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England forks out for the rest of the UK.

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