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yipeeeeeeeee it's Friday

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4GS | 10:36 Fri 04th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Morning ABers

Plans for the weekend?

I'm going to test the new jogging machine Mrs 4GS got me for Christmas


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well Im jealous of that for starters john!!

Im hoping to go for a long walk at the weekend, maybe do some shopping
Good morning.

This weekend I shall be very busy watching Mr CRX finishing tiling the kitchen, painting the stairs, landing and doors, boxing away stuff that wont be needed til we move too

Oh and little CRX is expecting more xmas pressies from santa when his auntie pops by on sunday :)

Have fun jogging lol x
Mornin 4GS,


I'm supposed to be collecting my new exercise bike tomorrow and I am hoping to be losing a stone within the next couple of months.

I am planning to start doing yoga again every morning... haven't quite managed it so far!

I really need to spring clean but I will probably be able to talk myself out of that one!

Mite even go out Sat nite and get blasted.

BB xx
Morning john and all , going to take the xmas decorations down , that will be enough excercise for me :-D xxx
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distract your girlfriend with:
The Puppy, a Wok and a set of chopsticks, then you can make your move on her friend

Hope this helps

P.S You only get one star as you showed a lack of initiative
Spending all weekend at the hospital visiting Hubby who is having major cancer surgery and chemo today.
Cruella sweetie , my thoughts are with you love , all the best honey ( hug ) xxx
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it was there leggy, I swear,
he said he was re-flooring his flat and going to seduce his chinese gf's pal who is moving in with them
I'm going to the Dr Who exhibition before it closes :-D and then I plan on buying tickets to go see the Phantom of the opera
Nice one 4GS! I'm off to the shops with my mum for a bit later (have today off work). At some point over the weekend I'll be visiting my grandparents, probably see a few chums and chill out. At no point will I be partaking in any kind of exercise!

Happy Weekends all.
just going out for a 4mile run in the snow, then going out later to get wasteeeeeeeed
I'm suddenly doing more hours at work this weekend, following the suspension of one of our supervisors and another woman caught snaffling booze from the shelves and drinking it! LMAO!!!

The bizarre thing is I worked alot of hours with both women and actually clocked 'em drinking it from cups, when I asked 'em what the blue liquid was (blue wickeds) they told me it was a raspberry herbal drink and like a sap I believed 'em at the time.

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yipeeeeeeeee it's Friday

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