I bite the top off, swallow that whole, then lick the creme out till it's all gone, put the empty choc egg in my mouth, take a mouthfull of hot tea and dwait till it melts and swallow slowly till it's all gone
Bite the top off but use it to scoop out some of the middle then squash the rest (carefully) so that the chocolate breaks and scoop the inside with bits of the broken choccy. - Has to be with a hot tea too.
I will say that due to the drippy content and mess factor a Creme Egg can entail, i would opt for an all in one go, thus masticating rather hard for twenty or so seconds.
One would not wish to spill white and yellow fondant down ones best British Home Stores shirt now. Would they?
I bite the top off, lick out the inside and if there is any fondant left then I use my little finger to dig out any that I mightn't be able to reach with my tongue alone, then I just suck the remaining chocolate egg til it makes your cheeks hurt :-)