What do you think about the woman disqualified from driving for a week, for driving 10 miles anhour down a moterway hard shoulder. Slow drivers really drive me mad.
Tottaly agree as well was behind one today that was doing about 15-20 mph for no reason at all and seemed to dither all the time.
You could see the 2 cars that where directly in front of me but behind the **** getting so frustrated and had to eventually take chances like me as well to overtake.
Ok the car might have had problems that it could not go any faster but then the driver gave nobody a chance to overtake we had to make our own chances.
Living in the lake district the roads are so bad theres no way to overtake slow drivers, and i could go on about the tractors and caravans we get here, but i'd be moaning all night,i hope im not turning into a female Victor meldrew
I used to be called the caravanner at work coz i drove so slow, why should i drive any faster than i want to?
She was dangerous on a motorway, but only in respect of people that would be driving fast and wouldn't expect her to be doing 10 mph. There is nothing dangerous about 10 mph if we all prepare for someone to do it, it will never happen though.
get rid of them. The other day I was stuck behind an old bloke about 75 - 80 driving 25 mph in a 60 zone and he was driving ( i am not kidding) a white escort XR3i (remember those) convertable with red go faster ,or in his case slower stripes!!!
He could hardlly see over the flippin steering wheel either. If they cant driver the right speed then they shoul;dn't be on the road, it incourages people to get aggressive overtake and cause accidents.