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have i done it,?

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logic | 07:55 Wed 09th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
am I really the first on here this morning, or is this some kind of nightmare, ?


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Welcome to the 'early morning, up and at em club'
you are member number 002
Had a lie in until 7 but only just arrived here. Good morning though.
Morning Logic, yes you done it!!
And where is the daily moan!!
Feel awful today, I wanna go back to bed!!!
Congrats logic
wake up!!!
its all a bad dream, you're really a millionaire having a restless nights sleep on your carribean island.....
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funnygirl god's done that to yer, cos yesterday you were criticising men, and don't forget, god is a man,
Thanks 4getmenot
God, a man!! Yes, I am beginning to think you're right!!
The things we women have to put up with, Yes that is about right, God is a man!!!!
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erm, I don't really get the point of that bigmamma, unless you were trying to burst my eardrums, in which case you succeded,as I had mmy headphones on, and volume full, don't know where my eardrums have gone.,,,,,,,,pete
Hey Locic,

You beat me by a few hours, just got up!!

BB xx
Question Author
lazy sod
Oh dear , sorry logic , bet that was loud then . It was a fanfare to celebrate and proclaim your early thread post btw :-) xx

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have i done it,?

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