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It's raining.......AGAIN!!!

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pastafreak | 11:28 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
When is it going to stop....I am thouroughly fed up with it. Grrrr.....Anyone else building an ark in their back garden??......pasta shakes fist at the heavens


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No luck ol�d fook.Its a bit cloudy here , but i wouldnt mind a days rain its rejuvenatingt.Go get your brolly and put your wellies on .Go out splashing.
Hi pastafreak honey , I too am sick of the rain , and gale force winds . I wondered where all the pairs of animals came from in my back garden , maybe it's a sign :-) xxx
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Got your optimistic hat on this am ,leggy??...Guess thats what sunshine does-lol !
What's the problem?
Skin's waterproof, it feeds trees and plants and is good for unscrupulous pub landlords who put it in lager and sell it for �2.50 odd a pint
So far we havent had much rain but its due to arrive this afternoon and looks like its set to stay with us for a good few days! Any room on that ark?
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Lol-4GS Another cynic!!
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The more the merrier.Psychick :-)
There has been no rain here in London for a while!!
Or no snow!!
You'll be getting the rain this afternoon funnygirl, dont wrorru ;)
What the......... wrorru???

Must be time for my nap lol

*walks away shaking head*
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I am I get in the shower....or just make a mad dash round the neighborhood.....??
Hee hee pasta , you could get arrested if you do that !
I used to be so skinny that I had to run around in the shower to get wet

legs it that way>>>>>>>>>
Lol @ 4GS
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It's raining.......AGAIN!!!

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