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When you first joined AB....

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cazzzz1975 | 14:22 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Did your first post contain the immortal line "Hi, Im new here"?

Mine didnt, mine was a question, I was just wondering if trolls who pretend they are new use that line or genuine newbies as well?


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I'd like to know who you were in 2002 , figure, as that was the year I joined .... and also because I'm nosey....
hi im new here . never been to chatter bank before didnt.....
Hi cazzz I ended up here whilst trying to find the name of a fim just over a year ago. I was given much more info than I couldve hoped for and was hooked. I didnt mention I was new and only realised later that being a greenie said it for me anyway. I answer what I can, ask odd questions as and when but love reading the banter, they're a real friendly lot here. Not allowed to log on in work so catch up in the evnings and wkends.
Hiya cazz.

Nope I was searching for something or other on the net and found AB so asked a genuine q!
I googled a gardening Q and it led me here. After looking around I HAD to put in my 2 cents and joined to respond.

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When you first joined AB....

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