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Driving conditions?

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Emu2005 | 12:12 Sat 12th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Not sure if this is a weather or motoring question so thought i'd stick it in here!
I'm going to be driving north on the m5 tomorrow and know that it has been flooded and closed before. I know heavy rain is forecast tomorrow but I can't seem to find any site which will tell me what the driving conditions are going to be like. Also I'll check before I leave, but every traffic site I find doesn't seem to have regular updates. Does anyone know of any good sites which will tell me what the conditions might be like tomorrow, or that I can check before I leave to see if the motorway is still open?
Many thanks


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Emu, dare I say unless it is black ice, there is not a driving condition that should phaze you.

Even if it is hissing down, keep a good distant, put your light on (NOT YOUR FOGGIES, unless necessisary) and plan to arrive 20 percent later.

Sorry if this sounds patronising, but be prepared.

PS I doubt very much it will be closed. I have just come back from Bristol and the weather was very good this morning.
Ceefax page 431, although not totally comprehensive, is always a good place to look.

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