I am gravitate but someone in animal and nature has made a user name groovytate. Who will own up to creating this? I cant believe someone is copying me.
Don't worry, you often get sick people trying to "clone" other users, but I know it's annoying, just let everyone know that it is not you and ride it out. They are pathethic losers.
I dont think you are bad -he baited you and said some vile things to you and you took the bait.
Just ignore it and get back to what you do best -having a laugh.You've had a bad 'press' last couple of days - just stop apologising -you have made amends -some people will see you as an easy target and will bay for your blood.
Just ignore the last couple of days its in the past -you have held your hands up-just get on with it.OK? x
Having just read Bigmamma's post, I take back everyrthing I posted, gwavitate, you appear to be a really horrible person and I have no further wish to appear on any of your threads.
Regardless of who it was who posted on BM's thread -I am lost with all the bloody aliases I dont know who is posting genuinely now or are imitating someone to post nastily.
BUT -I swear down if I could get my hands round the neck of the person who made especially the first post on that thread then that person would then know how 'close to dying' felt like.
Twisted sod.
I am so sorry you have been subjected to that BM and it has insulted me in a backhanded way as well.
hi mamma you ok i havnt read the thread
but take it you are getting sum s......t
off it
be like us rise above and we send his threads to
the dungeon xxxxxx
Prob is that you only have the option to report the thread hence all the probs last Saturday night when threads were getting deleted as soon as they were being posted and then all the peeps who hadnt been on assumed there had been bloodshed and there hadnt been -it was just someone thinking they were being funny and using their aliases to delete it.
So Groovytate and Gwavitate are one and the same. Creating new usernames every day. No doubt a simple-minded vocabulary challenged individual who gets his 'kicks' from leading a perpetually moronic and insulting existence. There is no place on AB for such offensive characters. The only remedy is to completely ignore his rantings and dismiss all his postings as irrelevant, uninteresting and futile. Is it somewhat concidental that this creature should pop up in an 'animal' thread. Perhaps not. To call him an animal would be disrespectul to animals. Answerbank Editor: Please note. We are not happy.