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nite gimps (coin a phrase)

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i am zigzag | 02:21 Mon 14th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
no need to answer lol


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Question Author
fukc of zigs

im your hero

go watch wanderers
im lovin it lol

Question Author
watched your trailer

who the fukc are the baldies???? lmfao

download it tomorrow lol

nite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
nite whomever you are
Question Author
im zigzag lol x
dont furck with the hawkies

i mean baldies lol

best film in last 30 years lol
so funny great music lol
Ive started something now havent I?
chrissy have ya?

im watchin it

on part 4

I can't say goodnight since I have already retired, so I will have me cat send you a litter of goodnightness.
fur ball cough lol
Hi zig hun :-) xxx

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nite gimps (coin a phrase)

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