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Carol Vorderman.

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carrust | 12:37 Mon 14th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I saw Carol Vorderman on TV last week, & noticed she looked bustier than normal. Her faced also looked a bit on the tight side. Has she had some cosmetic work done?


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She basically wears clothes one size too small.
Yes, she paid for the op with the proceeds from her Farmfoods adverts :)
'2 melons for �5'
I saw her on This Morning and she definately looked bustier
She could of had a massive bust if they shaved some off of big arse.
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knobby my man ain't saying you can't fancy her just saying she got a big arse, if you like big arses go for it mate, good luck, mind she don't fart on you though.
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Carol Vorderman is my ex's dream woman. He even named his cars after her, although I'm not entirely sure that's very flattering :)
Did the car have a big boot hellie?
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Reasonably big ray, the first one was purple, no idea what make though, I'm rubbish at cars, and the 2nd was a Rover, so nuff said there :) Carol Mark 3 is quite big (he doesn't 'do' small cars) and blue, again no idea what it is though I know it can fit a pram and loads of crap in there, so it must be quite large?

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Carol Vorderman.

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