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A wee bit wet and windy here

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4GS | 10:06 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just like the weather!!

Morning ABers, who's up then?
where's logic?


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Im here, and so is 4get!

Ive missed her recently :)
Morning 4GS, morning all, how you diddling?
Youre surrounded by us pregnant ladies it seems! lol

If logic has any sense, hes staying bed today which is where I would be had but I have to go out in thw awful wind and rain again soon :(
Question Author
Point to note:
The pregnant ladies are not my doing, (just for once)
Its wet, but not gonna spoil my day, I;m in one of those mischievious moods :-)
oh no, i see trouble ahead ^^^
Red do you absolutely have to go out today it's awful out there and you being a wide load it's not advisable being out in this high wind lol!
Seriously I would cancel what ever you need to do, it's slippy, windy , wet, muddy and horrible - I've just dropped little hellyon at school and come on to work and I'm soaked.
Morning Folks,
What a wet morning and windy too. My umbrella got turned inside out and now one of the spokes has gone.
Logic is still in bed, you've gotta remember he is an old man!
Scratch that Red - I mean Psychick!
lol, i reckon Im a wider load than psy, but Im hiding indoors today :)
Already voiced my opinion on crocs in body and soul
Wanna bet in the wideload issue red? lol

Hellyon, Im afraid I do have to go out as its for a midwife appointment. I have a feeling a walk that would normally take me about 15 minutes, is going to take about half an hour today though lol
oooh 4get, I think we shall have to keep out of your way today.
Right Im off to brave the elements, hope to see you all soon, if I make it back! lol
Morning 4GS sweets , and all you other sweeties redcrx , warpig , Psychick , 4get , Hellyon , and funnygirl , it's wet and windy here too :-) xxx
hi BM, how are you doing today? glad to see youre still about and werent pushed off by some troll xxx
Hi redcrx honey , so am I , glad I saw sense .I am fine thankyou , hope you are feeling well and managing ok . :-)

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A wee bit wet and windy here

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