It depends upon the airline. Ryanair, for example, won't accept your bag as normal 'checked baggage': ag&quest=checkedbaggageallowance
They will, however, accept it as 'additional baggage' (even though it's additional to nothing) but you'd have to pay a fee and, because of limited space, they strongly recommend pre-booking: ag&quest=sportsequipment
Other budget and charter airlines are likely to have similar rules. (Budget airlines try to discourage passengers from carrying bulky items because of their fast turn round times. Ryanair flights are usually scheduled to take off just 25 minutes after landing. I've known an aircraft 'push back' for take off just 12 minutes after coming to a stand on arrival. That doesn't give them much time to get hundreds of items off and hundreds more on). 'Full fare' airlines (which often have longer turn round times) might be more flexible but you should check the relevant website or phone the airline for a definitive answer.