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My Valentine

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bigmamma | 15:41 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I was in town this morning and noticed lots of displays for Valentines Day . It got me thinking , as every year , am I really the only person who has never ever recieved a Valentine card or anything :-(
Anyone else who can say the same , or if not , how many has been the most you've recieved ? xxx


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Hiya, are you this evening-not too many butterflies for tomorrow I hope.....Valentines: well I had a few when I was in grade school .....but that was in the States and they invented the whole commercial thing,didn't they?? so that doesn't really count. Since then I have recieved only one,and that was 25 years ago just after my daughter was born-lol!...guess it was a sort of 'thankyou'......(cynical-moi???)
Hi BM,ive onlyreceived them from people ive been in long term relationships with.Ive never had an annonymous one.
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Hi weeal , and hau kola , hope you are both well today :-)
Pastafreak honey , yes your earlier ones do so count .
The butterflies are keeping my nerves going and I'm not sure if I will sleep .
bigmamma... I get so many each year, I have to put a new shelf up to accommodate them all.

Oh, OK, I don't get any either lol xxxxx
Hiya Pet, how are you hun? xxx
An anonymous card-hau???....oooh that would be kind of exciting-lol
hiya tigger :-)

Am great thanks mate. You OK? xxxx
Yeah Pet. Just trying to have a debate with myself on what to do tomorrow. I know I need go to Tesco but I'm sure there was something else I needed to do. Just can't remember what it is! Lol
It's odd but my ex husband never bought me one, at least not that i can remember, apart from before we were married, he was never that bothered and it wasn;t as big as it has got in these last 10 years or so, but my bloke has never missed, i have kept them all too, but i have only ever had 3 in my life that i didn't know who they were from, i don;t think about it at all though and i often don;t buy him one : ((
clean the oven?

yawn lol xx
Actually, I think you have a point there Pet. Lol. I will put that on my "to do" list.
tigger, my new work rota, gives me tomorrow and Thurs off! (have to work weekends though) :-(

I have a list of "things to do" grrrr
Well I'm still off sick from work and I'm sooooo bored. I want to go back to work but my case needs to be resolved first. When that will be I don't know :(((
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Wow Trinny , lol , I nearly believed you then :-) Dot , how special that you keep them and that your partner never forgets :-)
Tiggerblue , surely you can find something to do apart from your oven , they hardly ever get cleaned do they ? :-)

You having problems at work then tigger?

Give me your email address via messages. Tell me all about if you want.

God I am nosey lol xxxx
You're right BM, I'll get in the car and drive off somewhere. Preferably in the direction of the sun. Lol :-)

Will do Pet. Oh no, I hate the Beta site - cover me ladies, I'm going in............
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be quick and don't look back ...I'll hold the door open ....
lol@ tigger.

bigmamma, my kids get used to me saying that every year. "get a new shelf up kids" valentine cards coming soon.

God how they laugh........not! lol
Its OK everybody, I'm still alive. It was a bit smelly in there but I survived.
lol tigger. Will have a look tomorrow. Really should be in bed now xxxx

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